Regenerative Medicine- Are you a lizard?

Our body is a wonderful thing. When we get a cut on our skin or a broken bone, our body works to heal the injuries using its own healing mechanism. However, some parts heal faster than others based on a variety of factors, including the amount of blood flow in the area. Regenerative therapy is a branch of medicine that focuses on treatments that help kickstart and boost the healing and restoration process of an injury.

How does this work? Unlike anti-inflammatory therapies such as pills and steroid injections (like cortisone), these injection-based therapies are pro-inflammatory. In the process of promoting inflammation, regenerative injections activate your body’s own immune system to promote healing. Although this is not quite like a lizard regrowing its tail, this is a process to promote the formation of new tissue in a diseased area.

What does the medical literature say? Studies have produced highly varied results. This is largely based on the difficulty in conducting trials on injection therapies. In the process of considering regenerative options, it is important to discuss with your provider the status of the science and how the FDA classifies these therapies.

On the forefront of mainstream regenerative medicine, we have been actively employing these types of procedures since 2008. We currently offer both natural (Platelet Rich Plasma, Stem Cell) and Prolotherapy (Dextrose-based) in response to the tremendous response we have seen in our very own patients from these therapies. As the science progresses to further guide these new age therapies, we will evolve accordingly with a priority to offer you the latest and greatest in injury care. Stop in today to learn more about how these treatments may help you get past that nagging injury!

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