Platelet Rich Plasma

You may think of platelets as being involved in forming clots, but these tiny cell fragments are also a key component in your body’s healing process.  Soon after injury, platelets are activated and dispatched to the site of pathology as part of your immune system’s response.  They then play a role in facilitating repair.

What Is Platelet Rich Plasma

In the case that the injury does not fully recover, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) can strongly enhance your body’s healing mechanism.  Using a small amount of your own blood, we create an elixir consisting of a high concentration of platelets, proteins, growth factors, and other elements that are critical to the healing cascade.  This preparation is then injected at the site of the injury.  PRP is one of several “regenerative” injections we offer that capitalize on your own natural healing processes.

Previously receiving much acclaim amongst professional athletes, PRP technology is now available to all patients.  Stop in anytime to find out more about this potentially powerful aid to your recovery.

Make An Appointment

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