Medical Weight Loss

Take the guesswork, over-experimentation, and lack of customization out of your weight loss struggle.  Grounded on science, our professionals will custom build you a comprehensive program focused on your unique needs, including nutrition, exercise, sleep, balancing of hormones, and prescription medications.  The resulting dynamic program will include data monitoring, evolution to maximize your body’s continued response, and strategies to maximize the permanency of your success.

Weight loss should be an exciting and rewarding experience as it can be a highlight of many people’s fitness evolution. It can be considered, “getting on the right path.” However, simply finding the right path that works for you is often the largest challenge in the journey. For many people, weight loss is both a daunting and frustrating experience, an endeavor that they easily fail. What works for their friends, may not work for them. There is information overload, with ads and infomercials bombarding people today with various tips, tactics, products and devices. There are scores of unregulated supplements and varying types of “experts” on the topic.

Often, those who struggle with their weight do not realize they have a medical condition, such as a hormonal abnormality that can be contributing to their weight loss battle. Perhaps, it is their stress levels, sleep habits or some other contributing factor that is making weight loss a struggle. Making matters worse, there is difficulty in gaining a truly personalized approach from reputable sources.


A personalized approach to finally achieve weight loss success

We work with you to identify the barriers that are keeping your from achieving your weight loss goals. Our medical weight loss program is supervised by a Board Certified Physician and is 100% designed as a custom plan for you to break through your weight loss barriers. This concierge-style program features an efficient and medically sound approach to your weight loss, incorporating nutrition, exercise, sleep and other elements of your lifestyle along with medications, if needed.

The Path

Getting to Know You

Upon enrollment in the program and prior to your in-person consultation, we will arrange for you to have labs drawn. This will allow us to develop an immediate understanding of your biochemistry, including your hormone profiles.

Next, we will bring you in for a Discovery consultation, focused on getting to know you and all aspects of your lifestyle. We will also review your labs with you, make sure your chronic medical conditions are stable, and confirm your preventive medicine measures have been taken. This is an absolute critical step prior to the initiation of any medical weight loss program. We will then administer a comprehensive baseline body composition analysis that will be used throughout your program to objectively track your progress.


Mapping Out Your Path To Success

Using all of this information, we will then work with you on designing a completely customized program based solely on your goals and obstacles. This custom-built plan will feature a balance of lifestyle changes and medications depending on your specific case as there is no one perfect plan for all.

Monitoring, Accountability, Sustainability- Destination!

Over the course of your program, we will connect with you to track your progress, discuss updated lab results (as needed) and provide course corrections. We will then conclude with a final consultation to review the remainder of your data, launch the strategies to maximize the long-term success of your program and celebrate your accomplishments!


Medical Weight Loss FAQ’s

Ready to break down your barriers?

Breakthrough into weight loss success! Send us an email today and one of our professionals will be in touch to get you started on your journey.
